Wednesday, March 22, 2006

May These Two Be Joined Forever

I did it. I finally did it. For most this may seem like no big deal, but for me it is ginormous. I finally did a felted join. You see, I am always on the quest to find the perfect way to join two ends of yarn. I hate the way sloppy ends look. I usually do a Knit In Join (though I didn't know it was called that) which works pretty well, but sometimes the bulk of the double strands of yarn looks a bit funky. I have tried the Russian Join, but to be honest, the way that my ends seemed to fray, it looks a little sloppy, too.

So last night when I was working on Starsky, I was coming to the end of my first skein and was dreading the join. Then I thought that I could try the felted join. I had read about it before, but for some strange reason, never considered doing one myself. Well that ended last night, I had some of the yarn that Knit Picks had used to tie the hanks together and tried it. Now look at the results:

I put them into steps so you could see what I did.

  • Step 1: two ends of yarn.
  • Step 2: I cut half of the plies.
  • Step 3/Finished Results: Add a drop or two of water, rub vigorously between the palms of your hands, and voila, a felted join.

Here is a close up of the stitch pattern.

Here is a pre join photo

After taking the pictures above, I noticed that I goofed on some of the cables, I have since fixed them, and here is a photo of my latest progress, post join.

Can you tell where the join is?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Found you through the Starsky KAL. I've used a felted join on Noro Kureyon yarn and it worked out really well. I was however, too lazy to have water around so I used saliva. Works just as fine! :)

Your Starsky looks great! I'm waiting for my Sierra t arrive...