Friday, June 16, 2006


What do you do when you know you are not going to have enough of one color yarn to finish a pair of socks? If you're Michelle, then you make stripes. That part of the reasoning behind the stripes in the toe socks. The pink was left over from another project that I did and although there is almost one full skein of it, I want to make really long toe socks. Not that long socks are needed at this time of year. Afterall, June gloom seems to be gone and it's going to get to be about ten-billion degrees this summer. Here is what I have so far.

I had to frog the one on the right. I don't know what I was thinking. The sock was really big and by big I mean wide, I made a few adjustments where I joined the toes together and now they are so much better. To ensure that the socks will be even, I am attempting to work them both at the same time, but not on two circs or anything. After I finish turning the heel on the right one, I will work the one on the left to the same point and then just do the one color change at a time thing.

Oh, BTW look what I got in the mail the other day.

They are knit notes from Jennifer who is known as Major Knitter. Back in March she hosted March Madness. She is one dedicated person. She knit all of the knit notes herself and then even sent them to each of the people who contributed. It was a pleasant surprise when I opened my mailbox. Thank you Jennifer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE socks with toes!!! They're adorable. Do you know where I can find the pattern or are you just winging it?