Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Getting over the hump

See that expression on her face. That is how everyone in this household has felt at one time or another over the last few months, especially me. Though today K is home sick from pre-school.

What I wouldn't give to have all of my family healthy right now.

I started off the year with Strep and never fully recovered. After I was done with the first round of meds, I was still having some upper respiratory problems, which made running non-existent for the last two weeks. In fact I just finished my second round of antibiotics along with some other meds.

During B's four day weekend off from school a few weeks back (and during his birthday weekend, mind you) he got conjunctivitis, which is also known as pink eye. Two days later K had it.

After B was over the pink eye, he started having a sore throat along with coughing and was out of school for three days. K pretty much had the same and was out of school as well.

Hubby started to complain last week that his throat was bothering him when he came home from work. I looked at his throat and sent him straight to the doctors. Now I am not a doctor or anything, but one thing I do know is Strep having had it more times that I would care to remember.

Hubby is better, B is better, I am better, but now K is under the weather again. Ugh!

And come to think of it, we even had to take Pebelles (our dog) to the vet last week. So every single member of this family has had something wrong with them in the last six weeks.

The only place to go is up from here. Right?!?


BTW I was finally able to add some miles for Runagogo. I was sucking wind the entire time and my legs, well can we say jello anyone? I may have to spend some time on the bike, if I can't make up the last two weeks, but that will be my last resort.

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