Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Right after I took the pictures for my last post, I decided that the yarn really did not want to be Jaywalkers for a couple of reasons. Though, I did enjoy the stitch pattern, I somehow forgot how to do simple division when I was measuring and making my gauge swatch. See, I thought that I was suppose to get 9.5 sts to the inch, which I did. What I did not realize was that was for the zig-zag pattern. What I should have been getting for stockinette was 7.5 sts. When I tried the sock on it was a little big, also the color from the yarn really did not look great as Jaywalkers. So I frogged.

Now look what they look like:

They are Pomatomus from Knitty. Initially when I saw them, I wasn't interested, but they grew on me and I have to tell you I am glad they did, they look better in person. I adjusted the pattern so there is only one repeat on the leg/ankle of the pattern because I like shorter socks and I was also afraid that I was going to run out of yarn.

I was almost done with the toe decreases and then look what happened:

Can you see? I ran out of yarn.

I had a feeling something like this would happen as it so often does, you know how when you get to the bind off row of something only to find out that you don't have enough yarn for that last row and you can't just go back a couple of rows because you would mess the pattern up and have to go and buy a whole skein of that yarn for two or three meters of it. I don't even think I can count how many times that has happened to me.

But it is not as though I don't have another skein. I do have a whole other skein for the other sock. I am going to knit as much as I can with it and if I run out I have a little plan. I am not going to tell you now because hopefully it will not come to it, but if it does, you will find out how insane I really am.

And by the way, I am not a crazy fast knitter or anything like that. My older son woke up screaming and crying at 3 stinking AM. After getting him back to sleep, I couldn't so I was up in the middle of the night knitting and catching up on all of my TiVoed shows. I never realized how many shows I actually watch.

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